Sunday, November 28, 2010

In defence of Basking In Reflected Glory

For it isn't your father, your
mother, or wife,
  Whose judgment of you -
you must pass,
  The fellow whose verdict
counts most in your life,
  Is the guy staring back in the

This is from Kipling's "The man in the glass”

So, what is it with reflections?

This centuries old phenomenon of Basking In Reflected Glory (BIRGing) is a widely practiced impression management technique to foster self esteem and sometimes for material gains.

The moon is a ‘shining’ example of BIRG.  Moon is seen only because it reflects sunlight. Moon is romanticised across demography and geography. Paeans have been written on moon light. On the contrary only a few worship the Sun and most want to stay away from sunlight. 

The BIRG phenomenon pervades our every day activities too.

Do those who Bask In Reflected Glory (also BIRG differentiated by context) also contribute?

The moon does contribute in some ways. The moon has its own calendar predating that of the Sun; hence and also because of its mere presence, it has a great say in astrology – at least in the Indian context. Depending on its proximity to Earth we experience high and low tides. When closer to the Earth the moon afflicts the brain or mind as referred to by such words as, lunatic, loony et al. Yet, would we romanticise the moon without the moon light?

When a world cup is won the Nation takes to the streets in joy feeling pride in the achievement of our sportspersons. After a big win everyone, albeit with no contribution from them, identifies with the winner – emblazoned tee shirts are out, baseball caps with logos adorn proud heads and there is an air of celebration. Sales of products of the winning team rocket till another team wins next year.

(In this context CORFing has to be mentioned too. Veru briefly CORFing means Cutting Off Reflected Failure. CORFing is done in various ways.  It could be like after winning it is ‘we won’; after losing it is ‘they lost’. ).

BIRGing is present in many other ways too. One could be ‘famous’ for being the daughter of a famous mother. It is very common to use relationships with better known personalities to further one’s cause – this is what is often referred to as dropping names. Names may be dropped even if the ‘reflection’ is faint or non existent. There is an old Chinese story that illustrates this refection. A tiger who had caught a fox in a forest was about to make a meal of it. For self preservation the Fox came up with an idea. Suddenly it declared to the tiger “You mustn't eat me. I am sent by the Gods to rule this forest. By devouring me, you will violate the command of the Gods. If you don't believe me, just follow me to see whether the animals are afraid of me." The tiger agreed, and followed the fox as it walked around the forest. All animals in the way ran away on seeing the duo. The tiger thought they were afraid of the fox, so he let it go.

Then there is Reflected Glory Marketing (RGM). When a brand does not afford a direct appeal to something a potential customer cares passionately about is invoked to attract attention. The potential customer is drawn into a conversation on that subject rather than on the drab product. When selling a health it may make more sense to talk about fitness and a great body first and then explain what this drink can do to maintain such a body. RGM is used to build relationships with customers. 

Reflections are used for reproduction in the world of flora too!  Although not usually ranked among the most charming of earth's creatures, bats nonetheless comprise one of the important groups of animals that can pollinate plants. Though bats mostly use olfaction to locate flowers, there is one flower (Vine flower) which by using a small concave ‘sound mirror’ reflects the bats’ ultrasonic echolocation right back to them, thus showing the animals its exact location. This mirror is formed from a single modified petal, the vexillum, which is raised when a flower is fully mature and ready to spring its pollen load indicating the presence of copious nectar.
Use of reflective paint to increase energy efficiency of homes and commercial buildings is a recent phenomenon. The move can reduce energy bills, because structures use less air conditioning when they absorb fewer of the sun's rays.

BIRGing, after all has benefits.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Nation: hostage to democracy!

This is not about a political party. It is about people who are helpless in spite of freedom. It is about a Nation held hostage. When a Government is elected democratically, they have a responsibility towards the electorate. Collective autocracy by the legislature is abhor-able. By definition, all elected representatives are part of the government whichever bench they occupy in the Parliament. The people of India are hostage to those very same representatives elected to lead them. What a travesty of justice.

Why can not Essential Services Maintenance Act (ESMA) be applicable to the legislature? By any standards transacting business by the august body of a democratically elected parliament is not a non essential activity. Legislators are behaving like hooligans inside the revered precincts of the parliament without any shame. The approach of “if only you do this you can do that” is blackmail. Simply an act violating the law. We the people of India want our legislature to be more responsible.

Legislators have to uphold the value system. The argument that I did a  wrong because my predecessors did the same is absolutely despicable. If there is use of office and status for partisan gains, it is immoral and no law is required to castigate the guilty.  One reason why the armed forces are swift in dispensing justice is there are sections in the Army Act dealing with ‘unbecoming conduct’ and ‘breach of trust’.

Forget the media who take you to the cleaners at the drop of a speck of dirt, even if the wind had carried it on to you. But government appointed bodies like the CAG and Lok Ayukta are different – the moment they reveal mal practice the affected run for cover behind enquiry commissions and other committees; then there is a long and winded legal system for ‘protecting’ the protagonists. So wither the value system? Where are the ‘teachings’ of the holy scriptures and other legacies, in which we collectively take pride and tom-tom as the famous mother of all cultures – the Indian culture? If I am wrong pray tell me what is Indian culture? Surely Indian culture is not just wearing a sari and not celebrating Halloween.

Only a few days ago the Nation was gaga on the visit by President Obama. India almost became a super power overnight. Today it seems to be just a pipe dream. It will remain a dream if we Indians do not wake up right now; wake up before it is too late. Wake up before our economic potential is blunted by partisan behaviour of the pillars of democracy – Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and Media. The world is shrinking. Interdependency of Nations is a given for growth. Among closed economies China is now open and already a world player. Cuba is slowly coming out of the shell. North Korea is an aberration and nobody knows whether there is an economy there! In such a scenario our leaders have a finger on the self destruct button.

Instead of focusing on development and all inclusive growth, already in our grasp, the powers that be are playing a game of one-up-manship. In the first instance a responsible media has to expose this nexus of political parties who ignore the people of a democracy. We have now to channelise the resources and energies of the Nation towards accelerated progress, even if it is to catch up with China. For the present – only to accentuate the critical nature of the situation - I will unequivocally declare that the one party rule of China is better than Indian democracy.

Will our leaders grow out of their clichéd statements and political games? I say to them grow out of the teens and become a woman.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I am the Lord, I am the scam

I am the Supreme. I am never born, I never die. In my pure and ominous presence I am corruption. I control people, society and governments. I manifest in different forms to proliferate evil whenever the world tends to become honest. I have been in this world since inception; my appearances can be felt even in the great epics of India and Greece, not to discount my role in the kingdoms of the great Egyptian Pharaohs.   I take many avatars. Some are explicit some implicit.

For instance one of my manifestations is in the form of rebate, to lure unsuspecting customers to buy inferior goods. Like a leech, I attach myself to some FMCG products and call myself ‘free’. In the education field I am known as donation. In India the locals some time call me ‘Bakshish’; urudu for tips. The very uninitiated in the English language refer to me as ‘something’.

The sophisticated know my manifestation as greasing the palm. I appear where some favours are solicited by the undeserving, from people in power. Whereas the giver refers to me as bribe (as an unwanted outgo) the taker refers to me as fees (a must income) for facilitating a transaction.

Often more than two people are involved in invoking my presence. Here I manifest myself as SCAM. I am referred with various adjectives like minor, major, phenomenal or the circumstance such as CWG, Adarsh, and 2G. In some countries I am also known as something-gate, like Watergate, irangate et al.

When the number of people involved in my worship are many, some times I am not able to give my affections proportionally to all. So I become vulnerable to exposure by these dissatisfied lot. They are the whistle blowers. It beats me why they are called that and not just whistlers. I have powers beyond me, that though I do not like journalists using me to ‘trap’ sometimes innocent officials, I can not restrain them.

I can send people to jail, mar reputations and bring down democratically elected Governments. It is in my favour that the value systems are almost extinct; and a few like Naryanmurthy who try to foist them are looked down in pity by the majority. There are also many archaic and complicated rules and regulations behind which I often disappear. When I am dug out against my wishes, I am conveniently buried in the lengthy judicial system. I am here there and everywhere. I am the Lord. I am the all powerful engulfing womankind. There is no power in this world or beyond that can find me and destroy me. Soon I will overtake your soul and for survival you will be forced to embrace me.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Kashmir problem? Which Kashmir?

The ‘Kashmir problem’ is not complicated. Unfortunately a solution now is made out to be complex. The diagnosis is simple and known. The therapy is also known.  Any doctor will tell you that for any therapy the cooperation of the patient is a must. Probably that is the missing element here as by his own indiscretion the patient is not in control of himself.
Pakistan was conceived illogically from 'hatred' and the 'British handled' Indian Independence. The people (read Quaide Aazam Jinnah … et al) who fought for the creation of Pakistan surely never intended it to become what it is now. Immediately on partition the control of Pakistan was taken over by its army with economic backing from wealthy feudal lords (read Bhuttos, Shariffs… et al). Once the feudal lords and the army tasted power they would never let it go (75% of Pakistan business is controlled by its army).The Pakistan army became all powerful and to their consternation found, once hatred is taken out of the equation between Pakistan and India, Pakistan will cease to exist in its present form.  
Hence the ‘problem’ persists; which is NOT Kashmir as much as it is that cultivated HATRED, so very essential for the existence of Pakistan as required by the Pakistan army and a small section of its people.  Kashmir is just a ready made medium. 
 With peaceful borders between the countries the two Nations will be somewhat like England and Scotland. Mind you, there is no love lost between those two Nations but Scotland has to forever live in the shadow of England. Pakistan army does not want to lose control of that country and cede de facto dominance of its economy, society, entertainment et al … to India, with or without Kashmir.
Along the way, the Pakistan army, desperate for sustenance, brought in other players like China, US, Jihadis, militants and terrorists (initially unintentionally but subsequently acquiesced).
 Now that the problem being cultivated hatred, what is the solution?  
 Money is a great leveler! We see that in the every day scams. So if the USA, China and India become indispensable to each other mutually for economic growth, all else will fade away.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Of words and deeds

Much has been spoken and written on President Obama’s recent visit to India. Let me too say my piece. Here it is…in the lighter vein.

Recent visit by Barack Obama, President of the USA and Michelle Obama, the first lady, has caused a flutter in India, US and some other parts of the world for varied reasons. Every player and spectator had their own individual agenda. For India and US it was all about money and power.

For the TV news channels it was a four day reality show where most of the participants did not have to be paid. Each word the leaders spoke, each step (pun intended) Michelle took and each ‘indication’ received from the ‘sources’ of television news channels were analysed by a relay of panels of experts. Obviously the favourite lines of the various anchors were ‘why he did what he did’ or ‘why he did not do what he did not?’ That, I suppose is what is meant by analysis.

So, for most of first two days it was why he did not utter ‘Pak’ – the perennial obsession with some of us Indians and the Indian media. Would, not uttering the “P” word during the visit, have made any difference to what actions will be taken by various players? What ever were to happen would have happened any way. We kept at it, the media put pressure and, like it or not, to the world the word “Pak” in a way dominated the visit. The Pakistan press, as is wont to, largely opposed the US support for India’s permanent seat in the UNSC – and expectedly mentioned nothing about anything else. There is an old Arabian proverb that goes “When you have spoken the word, it reigns over you. When it is unspoken you reign over it”.

When all was said the experts were on the lines of “No man means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous”. --Henry B. Adam.

It was fun alright.

So what about this that I have said; well it could be “Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.” – Plato

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Media in India – judges itself by ideals and only others by their acts!!!

The unbridled ventilating and sickening catch phrases on television news channels and print media, is really a matter of concern. I had referred to this earlier too in this forum. Decades ago we had Ms. Amita Malik reviewing television in print media. These days print media carry commentaries only on the soaps. I suspect there are vested interests in many television news channels. Of course a few have a say both on air and in print affording cross promotion!

As one of the pillars of democracy, most sections of our media are irresponsible and throw probity to winds to catch eye balls/readership and improve bottom lines all around. Is rampant competition also playing spoilsport?

Till today I am unaware who this ‘our sources’ or in many instances what is/are the interests of ‘our sources’ in leaking ‘info’ to the media. Simply, are the ‘our sources’ being paid to leak news. If so, is it par for the course?

Reporters should only report events. Tickers should only display events. Interpretations should be left to the public and analysts. News editors should not consider themselves any better in interpreting events, than the person next door. Else the public will be swayed by wrong interpretations. And when it is the turn of spokespersons and ‘experts’ to interpret and comment they are invariably drawn into discussing personalities and the subject is given the skip. What a tragedy in a vibrant democracy!!!

The motto “Service before Self” for the success of a democracy is observed by the pillars of Indian democracy , including the media, only in its violation by placing self before service.

Come on Indian media show some maturity and class, and not crass, in reporting.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Values vs Methods

The demeanor of Army Chief Gen VK Singh, in his forced interaction with the media is passable. There was no unwanted hype or bravado.  It was all plain speak. I would think the Tiwaris and Prasads from the political firmament have a thing or two to learn from this.

The General talked about institutions, procedures, appointments and responsibilities. He did not attack personalities as is the wont with omnipresent spokespersons of political parties – all shit and no bull. It was obvious, the way the General spoke that he was meaning business – no quarters given and no quarters taken. He is bound to follow his words with action. There is some recovery job to be done by the defence forces.

As citizens of India we have to think beyond ‘Adrash’ – in all manners. The underlying malaise of ‘what is in it for me’ type of corruption in the legislature, executive, judiciary (?) and the media (?) is pulling down our Nation. A collective failure of these pillars of democracy will pave the way for a revolution of the French type. Some of us may wonder whether such a revolution can take place in the twenty-first century and that too in a country as large as India. I feel yes; there can be a large scale revolution after the core values handed down traditionally; the methods could be different from traditional revolutions.

All great events which repeat in the course of time, reflect the vibrancy of the age and bears the imprint of those who perpetrate change.  Over ages, perceptions and approach to events change.  The core values and permanent truths never change. The problem today is of reconciliation of democracy and the Indian polity in a world growing smaller by the day. No more can we insulate India from rest of the world; especially as the largest and yet divergent democracy ever.

In these times in India, there seem to be two obsessions - Pak terror and scams. Pak terror is a dead horse; instead of flogging it let us get another one - handle it in our own forceful ways – (executing convicted terrorist Afzal Guru is one of them). The other is we live from one scam to another giving credence to the contention, that there are quite a few in the cupboard and each one is taken out to eclipse the previous one – like ‘Adarsh’ scam eclipses CWG scam (in scope of complicity rather than size). Corruption is now so deep rooted that we do not know the depth of complicity.

It is time we reconstruct our known value systems and adapt our methods to hold that up. 

We once again expect our defence forces to lead the way.

We the people of India, at our individual levels also, have to act to bring about this change.