Sunday, December 26, 2010

Chalta hai, Chalega and Jugaad

There are three specialties to India and Indians that are both a bane and a boon; the chalega and chalta hai attitudes and the uncanny knack for jugaad; of these three chalega is more a boon, chalta hai is a bane and jugaad is both a boon and a bane. We will do well to research these strong idiosyncrasies of us Indians and develop them positively rather than look elsewhere for improving the system.

Chalta hai

The characteristic collective psyche, chalta hai, is a certain carefree and flexible approach to life. The chalta hai mindset is a pervading trend showing disdain for rules that I suspect is shackling the Nation’s progress politically, economically and in every which way there is.

Through liberal use of the phrase chalta hai has acquired meanings for instances other than circumventing rules. Whenever accepted norms or courtesies are overlooked, when one just does not put in that extra bit and accepts everything as it exists and whenever it is convenient in a circumstance, it is chalta hai.

Chalta hai stops us from going the extra mile. So what if our legislators are elected by only about a fourth of India’s population – chalta hai. The big fat Indian wedding is a myth. In the end everything does not fall in place – it is just that whatever happens, chalta hai.  And this attitude of taking things casually peters down to even our day to day interactions as many feel the chalta hai attitude works for them – so the young think chalta hai is how it should be – and this dangerous legacy is handed down generations.
What is required is a National character that draws out the best from people and does not encourage 'chalta hai' in its present form. We have to get over that it is chalta hai to throw garbage over the boundary wall into the neighbour’s compound


I distinguish chalega from chalta hai this way; while chalta hai is a submission, chalega is a challenge.
Immigrant Indians spanned out across the globe since early twentieth century in search of a livelihood. Their biggest skill set was a chalega attitude. In the distant lands the early Indian settlers, settled for the minimum to earn maximum. Chalega was the dominant factor in that adjustment. The harsh environment and some subhuman treatment were par for the course – chalega. For those who sought their fortune in the deserts of Gulf during the 80-90 decades, cramped dwellings and one meal a day were fine – chalega. The money they sent back boosted domestic economy.

Black tea is just as fine if the milk curdles – chalega.

Jugaad, ( a name first coined for a ‘home made’ vehicle in the Punjab) literally means an arrangement or a work around, necessitated by a lack of resources. Jugaad is anathema to purists and practitioners of the highly rated Japanese or other structured methods of product development. During the latter decades of twentieth century, Jugaad has invaded territories other than engineering. According to Swaminathan Ankalesaria Iyer, 81% businessmen in India say the main reason for their success is jugaad, the ability to find innovative ways around prohibitive rules and institutions.  He says that “this is the key finding of a survey of 4,000 businessmen by YouGov, a top online survey organisation, and the Legatum Institute, an independent think tank. The survey represents the subjective view of Indian entrepreneurs, but has a ring of truth.”  There are proponents and opponents of jugaad. But jugaad has gained so much power that you can find it in the management jargon of highly rated B schools; some related terms are frugal engineering and frugal innovation. I know of a recent book singing paeans of jugaad probably on the way to becoming a bestseller (Rise and Rise of Jugaad by Virender Kapoor - available in Hindi also).

Jugaad is not an innovation, but it definitely is an inspiration on how to create products using technology that meets the price value equation. The same equation applies to anywhere and anything where Jugaad is applied. Jugaad is not the end but a means - a very efficient means.

Each and every individual has to be conscious and contribute to building a national character for a better and secured nation. We are at the cross roads in progress and inclusive growth. Here is an opportunity to show India really is a great nation - Jugaad chalega NOT chalta hai

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