Monday, January 2, 2012

In the eye of a storm

Cyclone Thane made a landfall on the East coast not far from Chennai when I was there last weekend. On that day I was in a hospital room (visiting) and watched Thane ravish some parts of the coast on television. The damage was controlled because of the warnings issued to those vulnerable along the path of the cyclone. Inside the air conditioned special ward I did not feel the effects of the (un)fair lady. Was I happy? To be fair to myself I was not. I wanted to be by the sea – my beloved sea. There is nothing more romantic than a raging sea dashing against the rocks and exploding into millions of molecules. Showering under those molecules of water is fun.

The sea in such a state has an ugly side too. It washes away some dwellings and even damages the flora along the coast. But then that is the way of the Nature. Those living on the edge are fully aware. Do they, unknown to them, derive pleasure in flirting with dangers the nature offers? Maybe; I can empathise with that feeling. Thane did not damage anything in Chennai. Incessant rains and an absent drainage system ensured flooding of roads and slow moving traffic. Both are par for the course in our country – what is the big deal? I was asked when I mentioned it to a Chennaite. 

The following morning it was still raining and the cyclone had crossed the coast and sped inland all the while weakening, when I went to the Marina beach. I sat on a rock fully drenched and let the sea hit me.

Try it for rejuvenation. It is better than any spa.

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