Thursday, January 20, 2011

Are you busy?

“I am very busy”. We hear this refrain every day, possibly many times over.  “Busy” is often a euphemism for “don’t bother me”, “I can’t do that”, “I am bored and don’t know what to do” and such. Rest assured when some one is busy, the person either has nothing to do or does not know how to do something that is to be done. 

Time has been a mystery from time immemorial. While some pass time others use it.

VVS Laxman has all the time to play Dale Steyn while some other player is hurried into a stroke. “Once upon a time” has been a favourite starter for stories; may be because there is an element of uncertainty in it. Uncertain times keep one on the alert and eager to find comfort in certainty. In times of certainty complacency sets in. A soldier is more comfortable in battle than waiting for the battle to join.

We often feel that we have captured time in a clock; unwittingly we only measure day and night as we know it, without possibly understanding time. If you move away from the human plane to the world of the departed a human month equals the length of a day. The brighter half of a lunar month constitutes the day time and the darker half the night.

“Do you have some time”? We ask of others. Everybody from a single person to as many as you can count can have the same time. Newton said “time is absolute”. Einstein said “time is related to space”…now again physicists are going back to Newton. If time is absolute it has no beginning or end. This cyclical nature of time as believed in Indian mythology refers to time as 'anaadi' or that without a beginning. That which has no beginning has no end!

So what is time? Do you think you can be busy any time?

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