Sunday, April 19, 2020

The COVId-19 war - simplified

Strategies for war and tactics for battle largely depend on two main factors.

1.    Capabilities of the enemy
2.    Resources available

The aim of a war as always is to come out victorious – to be able to call the shots when the hostilities end.

The enemy

The enemy is invisible and in great numbers – potentially outnumbering the human population by millions of times. It is another matter that the enemy was not tackled when he first joined battle in a City in China – the jury is out to decide whether it was by design or by default. But today the enemy has infiltrated all over the world, within months. It, potentially, exists everywhere near you. The characteristics of this “enemy” is same all over the world.

Own resources

Resources including force levels will vary among countries with one country as the basic larger fighting unit. The most potent resource that every nation has to fight the disease is its population – for effectiveness of this “weapon” the younger the populayion the better!!! To that extent India has an edge. So what should be the strategy / tactics

1.   Strategies (at National level)

a.   Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
b.   Slowdown the spread (lckdown) – flatten the curve so that the available medical resources are not overwhelmed (like it happened in New York)
c.    Explore all avenues to shore up medical care (PPEs, gloves. medical masks, trained medical personnel, basic medicines et al.)
d.   Employ all available resources to find a cure
e.   Employ all available resources to find a vaccine
f.    Disseminate information and statics honestly
g.   Continue with possible economic activities

2.   Tactics (at State level)

a.   Employ available test kits and methods optimally to detect infected cases
b.    Detect, isolate / quarantine and trace contacts
c.    Ensure essential services during lockdown
d.    Ensure essential supplies during lockdown – especially to the underprivileged
e.    Keep up the morale of the population
f.     Disseminate information and statistics honestly
g.    Continue possible economic activities

3.   General points

a.   Remember: While “GOD” is good for the soul science is the saviour of the body. Virus attacks the body and not the soul
b.    Harping on artificial differences (religion, politics) strengthens the enemy (virus) and weakens you (the soldier)
c.    It is not a war to be fought with weapons – it is a battle to be joined with compassion, love and understanding
d.    Always wear a mask in public – NOT to protect you but to protect others from the virus, in case you have it and you do not know…THE MOST POTENT WEAPON to protect others and hence the spread
e.    Practice social distancing to protect yourself…and others too

4.   The Bottom Line: DO NOT PANIC

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