Saturday, April 28, 2012

A sense of where you are

“I can’t control my life” is an oft heard refrain.  Immediately one can conclude that the guy has not played basketball. What has basketball got to do with the daily travails of living, you ask. Here is why....
Life can be likened to a game of Basket ball. The key to good performance in the game is the correct feeling for “a sense of where you are” on the court during play.
The court is marked and rules of play are set. You have nine other players on the court. At any time during play a good player is aware as to his exact position on the court, to the extent even if his back is towards the opposing hoop he can jump, turn and put the ball in the basket, all in one motion. Besides he should also be aware of the physical boundaries of the court, limitations (rules of play), and exact positions of the other nine al.
‘A sense of where you are’ helps you handle any situation to your advantage. So, learn to play basketball and succeed in life. (That is if you are NOT into golf)…
Where are you now? ……It is game on….

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